Curso 1


Google Presentation

What is the name of the man?

Why is he famous?

What was his job?

What 6 jobs are available in Australia?

What are the responsibilities for each job?

What is the pay for any of these jobs?

Family, friends and neighbors

What's his name?

What was his nick in High School?

How many brothers has he got?

Where is he from?

Is he in High School?

What does he do in Corpus Christi?

What is his favourite sport?

What is his favourite basketball team?

Where does he work?

What is his dream job?

Listening Challenge:

Watch this video and ask 4 questions about it. Then give them to a partner.

Google Presentation

Who is the neighbor for hell?

How did she abuse her neighbours?

Why was the man accused of molesting his children?

Why is this an unusual case?

How would you deal with a neighbour like this?

En el link anterior encotrarán programas para practicar los temas de gramática y vocabulario que comentamos en clase

Module 1 Part 2: People and Places

Listening Task 1:

How many tourist choose London every year?

What is an Oyster card?

What is the "tube"?

What is a double-decker?

When can tourists visit Parliament?

Task 2: Mark the places mentioned


  • Tower of London

  • Tower Bridge

  • London Eye

  • Big Ben

  • Westminster Station

  • Westminster Abbey

  • Westminster Palace

  • Buckingham Palace

  • Picadilly Circus

  • Wimbledom Courts

  • King's Cross Station

  • Victoria Station

  • Harrod's

  • Macy's

  • Madam Tusseauds Museum

  • British Museum

Find your way: Find the places mentioned in the map. Which would you like to visit?

Interesting cities

Lifestyles: Song

Eating out